Thursday 3 February 2011

Smirnoff 'Swifties' advertising poster

This is a vector style ad for a new range of ready made shots for Smirnoff. I designed it a new logo as well as developing a full campaign of advertisement posters. I put this together using a serious of sketches, brushes, touched up scanned concepts and high res web imagery to create this piece.

Nike Trainers Ad Campaign

This is an advert i designed early in my first year as an advertising campaign for a new range of trainers in the nike range. I edited each popular logo in a different way to match each element of trainer, Water, Fire Wind and Earth

Alton Towers Ride Brief

These pieces were done for advertising and typography, i was told i had to create a ride logo for an upcoming ride at alton towers. I created 'Twister - The Ride". I first made the ride logo followed by a promotional poster. For the poster i used a landscape shot of the countryside, messed around with a few levels and colour options and gradients before using a tornado brush in the background and an existing rollercoaster.

FIFA 11 magazine spread

Here is a magazine spread i did this year for desktop publishing which showed us all about key-lining and how to make everything fit into place accordingly and professionally, i could possibly have tried using more imagery but because of my main full page image which is really the main centerpiece, i thought i wouldn't try and cram everything on.
This taught me a lot about hierarchy and how and when i should be using it.

Split Personality Concept

This work was one of my first works of my second year, to pretty much test that we had basic skills at editing photos in photoshop using the techniques we had been taught in the first few sessions.
It was also a good test for our superimposition skills!
The work is supposed to be based on the idea that everybody has both a good and bad side to their life. I tried showing this idea with a torn image of myself editing one side opposite to the other before superimposing it into a real gallery shot.

Noel Gallagher Si Scott inspiration

I did this work last year as part of a project for college where we had to take inspiration from our favourite artists work and have a go and the same sort of style, I tried a picture of my favourite band, Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher!